How can we do this?

We can unplug from the capitalist matrix by unlearning our socializations and building community

Abolitionist science is an evidence-based toolkit to abolish systemic oppression by first dismantling our own mental & social cages that block us from building collective power. We do this by addressing our complex trauma with decolonize psychosomatic practices and political praxis, reprogram harmful behavioral patterns & beliefs that we’re all socialized with since birth (by force). Once we unlearn our internalized individualist, capitalist, colonial beliefs & social constructs, we leverage cognitive dissonance breaks to build self-awareness.

Work with me

The approach and methodology

  1. Foundations and Goal Setting

We will use abolitionist science as the framework for trauma healing. This leverages scientific tools within a social justice framework to push for both individual & collective liberation.

In this stage, we work together to gather background info and build strong foundations plus tangible short & long-term goals via guided cognitive exercises that activate parts of your logic, emotional & subconscious fight/ flight brain in a safe but bold space. We will establish a sustainable timeline & training plan for your evolution towards unplugging from the matrix & identify your key areas of cognitive growth.


2. Break-down Theory

I will breakdown & simplify the most essential big picture concepts in decolonized psych, abolition & revolutionary anarchist theory that you need to understand in order to apply these concepts to your daily life.

You will have an opportunity to explore unknowns, ask unfiltered questions, test out concepts & practice your relational skills to translate theory to praxis (practical actions). The goal is for you to be able to apply these concepts in your relationships, build a critical lens through which you see the power you hold in this world when surrounded by community and also enable community-wide skills sharing by passing tools onto others who may lack access to resources.

3. Identify Support Systems

We will establish your key sources of self & communal support as you evolve, grow & work on processing your trauma.

We will identify support pillars & build relational skills needed to cultivate and sustain a “village”- i.e. a diverse community base of various platonic & romantic reciprocal relationships that are uniquely valuable & can be equally prioritized. In this stage, we can be explore healing techniques & sources outside the 1 on 1 session space including peer support groups, virtual communities, chosen family based support, interactions with nature, community accountability spaces, holistic movement & art based healing & more.


4. Cognitive Dissonance as a Tool

We identify key logic breaks & distortions in existing belief systems, concepts of self/ others, social constructs & internalized capitalist norms and use this information to guide the unlearning process.

The goal is to unlearn behaviors and dogma that block collective liberation & sustainable progress while simultaneously learning ways to survive with our capitalist matrix using our political values. Our focus will be on community building, decolonizing our relationships, dismantling hierarchies in our daily life, work towards more self-acceptance, practicing compassionate accountability & embracing change.

5. Trauma Processing, Building Self-awareness

The complex trauma we experience in our past and present, surviving various systems of oppression, shapes our adult relationships and behavioral patterns (whether we are consciously aware of it or not). Our individual trauma and the intergenerational trauma of our communities dictates our lives and how we perceive our role in the world. Addressing our trauma and building awareness of how we respond to it is critical in identifying our own agency and power to transform our communities.

We will use decolonized psychosomatic practices combined with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) and Brainspotting techniques to process our trauma, assess how it shapes us in the present, choose and practice how we want to show up in our relationships, dismantle binary thinking and embrace complexity, nuance & uncertainty in a way that is liberating and not incapacitating.


6. Praxis: Relational Skills Practice

We will work together to translate our radical social justice values, collectivist beliefs and revolutionary political theory into daily practice. Praxis is the most powerful tool for liberation. The personal cannot be separated from the political. Our relationships are the molecules that make up our communities. Embodying our political values in our daily actions strengthens our relationships which strengthens our communities- decreasing our dependence on capitalist systems. Only we can keep us safe.

We will apply anarchist and abolitionist political theory into your daily life by practicing non-transactional collectivist relational skills, growing from our mistakes with compassionate accountability, practice addressing harm in transformative ways rather than punitive, and divest from capitalist norms in the safest way possible.

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For $8/ month you get full access to:

  • A newsletter in your email inbox every Monday that serves as a tool to help you unlearn, decolonize, apply your political values to your daily life and build community

  • A portal to submit questions that will be answered in a monthly FAQs edition

  • Free monthly group healing sessions and early bird access to all my teach-ins & workshops