Abolitionist Science 101
The scientific approach to abolish systems of oppression rooted in collectivist social justice values
We live in a world of social constructs that are used to build hierarchies & divide us
We are socialized since birth with norms, arbitrary beliefs and social constructs that dictate how we “should” exist to be perceived as worthy individuals in this capitalist society. From school to media and entertainment, tools of propaganda are used by the state which is run by the wealthy to convince us that these man-made systems are unchangeable & undeniable laws of nature. Except, humans are biologically wired to be a collectivist, altruistic species that thrives in community. Our brains are wired for us to build relationships & reciprocal bonds and be motivated to help each other- without capital, competition, or individualism.
2. Social constructs force us to perceive the world in binaries of good/ evil
We reduce nuance and complexities of the universe into binaries of good/ evil, right/ wrong, boy/ girl, moral/ immoral, etc. We force people to take on labels to play constrained roles in society. All this makes us, as a collective, more susceptible to state violence, coercion, manipulation and deception. We are strongest as diverse communities where people are accepted for their full selves without being forced to assimilate or conform to arbitrary social norms.
3. Why should we abolish oppressive systems?
The abolitionist goal is to dismantle capitalism & all carceral systems by systematically dismantling all hierarchical structures in society which includes social categories that are used to divide us like race, gender, borders & nation-states. The movement has a strong foundational framework of social justice values that are rooted in collectivism, compassion and accountability. It is a political vision, strategy and daily practice for us to end the culture of punishment & individualism in our relationships so we can build strong bonds. Strong communities can build systems of care for all like food, safety, shelter, & healthcare.
Ultimately, all global oppression is made profitable by capitalism which relies on social constructs to weaken communities & divide us.
4. Why do we build community-led systems?
No one chose to be born. Yet, once we enter society, we are not guaranteed basic survival resources like food, water, & shelter. We are forced to “earn” the right to life which means we spend our life in fight or flight survival mode driven by fear of death. We are coerced to participate in systems that exploit our labor, drain us & deprive us of free will or autonomy. This is a dehumanizing society where profits which are made-up are prioritized over people and the planet.
While we cannot predict the needs of future communities, we can learn from the past & present. We can build systems that provide people with all basic survival needs because resources are abundant when not hoarded by a few. We can build non-hierarchical structures that are resistant to power grabs by a few. We can build novel equitable systems that can adapt to people’s evolving needs.
5. How does science support abolition?
I specialize in infectious diseases & microbiology and conduct research to study how microbial communities at the molecular level adapt to environmental stressors & survive adversity. In nature, there are no binaries and everything exists as neutral- not positive or negative. Bacteria evolve traits that facilitate their collective survival. We assign positive/ negative or good/ bad labels to otherize people different from us which creates hierarchies of superior/ inferior. This is how we perpetuate & uphold oppressive systems & force people to assimilate to the dominant culture as outliers are shunned & marginalized in a society made inaccessible to them.
Capitalism is also driving climate change accelerating our trajectory towards mass extinction. We already have the science that shows how endless extraction of the planet’s resources is unsustainable, how resources are abundant when distributed evenly and how species that do thrive (i.e. microbes) are innately collectivist & devoid of social constructs, societal norms, binaries, etc. This is a starting point- a tangible step towards liberation for all.